31 March 2010

Open Highways and Heavens

Today was another day full of unexpected events. We started by eating a breakfast that is traditionally a lunch or dinner, so it had about the same amount of grease to make it worthy of an evening meal. Then we went back to the center in Topaana and took some time to worship and hear from the word of God. After, some of the group went prayer walking while the others went and saw some of the poorer conditions of the Roma in a different part of Skopje. The prayer walking was just in between nooks and crannies of the Roma's housing and felt as though we reached more understanding of the Roma's living. After the walking and touring for a couple hours, and since we had no teenagers for "coffee discussions" or ESL programs, We returned to the playground that resembled a cage more than anything. Everyone was exhausted, and when the word "playground" floated back into our lives, there was unanimous displeasure. We were all discouraged and not the happiest of campers, but to hear those kids cheer when they found out we were coming back just warmed our hearts. Their enthusiasm made the trek back to the dreaded playground much easier. We spent the hottest parts of the day jumping rope and letting some little [volatile] children attach themselves to us.
But it was fun.
We spent the rest of the day going to five separate homes, learning more about the culture and about individual customs of the Roma families. There were some good conversations and interesting facts we learned about each family and their day to day lives. A tasty supper was served after we got back from the houses. The meal was made by one of our missionary's friend who is a strong believer. The meal was delish. and we were stuffed full of goodness. Then we headed back to thee hotel for a good night's sleeeep.

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